A Brief History of the Islamic Call to Prayer
It’s the first thing recited in the ears of a newborn babe; it’s often the first thing recited in a new home. And it rings out in mosques, Islamic schools, homes, and on the street in Muslim communities five times a day. The adhan, or Islamic call to prayer, is an integral part of the Muslim faith.
The Adhan: The Prayer That Unites Muslims
The adhan is one of the most lyrical, inspiring prayers for Muslims. A prophetic tradition recounts that the Muhammad’s companions one day were discussing how to gather everyone for prayer. Some suggested using a bell as Christians do, and others advised using a ram’s horn, following an ancient Jewish practice. Meanwhile, two of the companions had dreams in which they were taught the adhan. Hence, it was decided that one person will call others to prayer. The Prophet, peace be upon him (pbuh), asked his ex-slave, Bilal, to recite the adhan.
The Melodious Call to Prayer
The Arabic text of the adhan is similar for all five recitations (with a slight difference in the adhan recited for the pre-dawn prayer, which adds the line “Prayer is better than sleep”).
Its compelling sound is amplified by the skill of the person who recites it: the more melodious and clear the voice, the more powerful the adhan is. Muslims repeat the words after the caller as they listen to the adhan.
English translation of the Adhan
Allah is Most Great. Allah is Most Great.
Allah is Most Great. Allah is Most Great.
I bear witness that there is none worthy of being worshipped except Allah.
I bear witness that there is none worthy of being worshipped except Allah.
I bear witness that Muhammad is the Apostle of Allah.
I bear witness that Muhammad is the Apostle of Allah.
Come to prayer. Come to prayer.
Come to Success. Come to Success.
Allah is Most Great. Allah is Most Great.
There is none worthy of being worshipped except Allah.